Purpose of the Community
Purpose of the Community Outreach/Marketing Strategy
The KCSOF’s Community Outreach/Marketing Strategy is a living document that supports the mission and vision of the Foundation. The strategy will be re-evaluated, evolve, and grow along with the Foundation. An effective community outreach plan and marketing strategy works simultaneously with other Foundation committees, such as event planning and fundraising to reach new supporters, deepen the connection with existing supporters, improve fundraising efforts, and increase visibility in the community.
The key to a successful strategy is to keep the goals realistic and successes measurable. Identify the action steps required to achieve the goals and the right person or persons to accomplish the goals. A requirement for regular updates from the responsible parties helps to ensure continuous progress toward accomplishment of each goal. Then, as each goal is accomplished, another goal and associated action steps will be recommended by the Committee and implemented by the Board.
Goal 1: Strengthen Existing Relationships
While it is tempting to jump directly to recruiting new donors for the Foundation, it is extremely important to foster a strong relationship with past KCSO donors. Past donors can be the best champions for the Foundation and its important work.
Goal 1 Action Steps
- Work with the Sheriff’s Office to create a list of past donors, identify the appropriate Board Member or Members, and to personally contact each donor to educate them about the creation of the Foundation and our mission and vision.
- Enlist their support to help spread the word within their respective networks regarding the important work of the Foundation and solicit names of any additional recommended contacts.
- Create a list of any additional potential contacts for review by the Board and follow-up with those approved individuals or businesses.
- Develop approved key messages and other communication tools Board Members can use when making these contacts.
- Identify any future activities on behalf of the Foundation which would be appropriate for inclusion of prior donors, such as a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Activity where existing and past supporters reach out to members of their respective networks to raise money on behalf of the Foundation.
Goal 2: Expand online presence
Although there is no replacement for face-to-face interaction, there is value in a strong online presence to support the work of the Foundation and to inform the public.
Goal 2 Action Steps
- Webpage: Finalize and put into service the Foundation’s webpage and logo.
- Identify other appropriate social media platforms for use by the Foundation.
- Establish email addresses for each Board Member, so interested individuals can reach out for additional information.
- Identify responsible Board Members or an outside (volunteer or paid) resource to manage the Foundation’s social media platform.
- Create an approval process for all information disseminated on behalf of the Foundation prior to publication.
Goal 3: Grow community outreach
Vitally important to the Foundation’s success will be a strong community outreach program, one that educates and informs past and potential donors to the value the Foundation can be to both the KCSO and the community and associated needs.
Goal 3 Action Steps
- Draft and submit a press release regarding the creation of the Foundation and submit the press release to both the Boerne Star and the Hill Country Weekly newspapers.
- Create a media contact list for use by the Foundation.
- Contact the local news outlets (newsprint, radio, and television) and schedule an interview with the Board President (or other approved Board Member) announcing the creation, mission and vision of the Foundation.
- Identify potential community events where the Foundation can dovetail off the event to enhance exposure to the Foundation and acquire information for potential future contacts.
- Discuss creation of Foundation booth for use at community events and create colorful, informative informational products for use at any event.
- Maximize the value of the Foundation’s webpage by:
- Using storytelling techniques to appeal to the emotions of viewers on the Foundation’s webpage and encourage them to participate;
- Publishing a list of KCSO needs so potential donors understand how their contributions make a difference to the KCSO and the community; and,
- Advertising how donations make a difference in the work lives of the Sheriff’s Office Deputies and employees and the community.
- Create email blasts to update the prior and any potential donors.
- Develop a Foundation newsletter to share on the website and through social media platforms.
Some goals identified in this initial community outreach/marketing strategy will be ongoing; others will be completed. As the goals are completed, the Committee will recommend new goals and associated action steps to allow the Foundation to continue to grow and evolve.
The Community Outreach/Marketing Committee will review the strategy on a regular basis, as identified by the Board to ensure accountability toward timely accomplishment of the current goals and development of future goals and action plans.